6 Ways to Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is located between the navel and the solar plexus. This is the third chakra in the body’s energetic system and is associated with the archetype of the warrior and the element of fire.
This chakra is defined by the desire to achieve your goals. It rules self-worth, identity, personal power, boundaries, the ability to get what you want, autonomy, decision-making, intellect and accountability.
A person with a balanced solar plexus chakra is empowered, self-confident, decisive, comfortable in their own skin, communicates what they want, meets the goals they set for themselves and possesses self-respect.
Signs of Imbalance

Unfortunately, many people are afflicted by imbalance in this energy center. There are several physical symptoms that may indicate an unhealthy solar plexus chakra, including:
- Digestive distress (IBS)
- Diabetes
- Pancreatitis
- Adrenal imbalance
- Low blood pressure
- Stomach ulcers
- Hepatitis
- Chronic fatigue
- Leaky gut syndrome
Overactive or Underactive?

On an energetic level, a solar plexus imbalance manifests itself in two different ways: overactive or underactive. Someone with overactive energy is motivated by a fear of not getting what they want. They often demonstrate the following qualities:
- walls up, don’t let people in
- type “A” overachiever
- workaholic
- power-hungry
- aggressive
- narcissist
- high ego energy & pride
- manipulative
- controlling

In contrast, someone with underactive energy is motivated by the fear of rejection and victimization. Of the two types of imbalance, this is much more common and is often characterized by:
- people pleasing
- weak boundaries
- lack of purpose, directionless
- insecurity
- self doubt
- low self esteem
- putting others before self
- acting out of fear
- codependence
- confrontation avoidance
How to Heal a Solar Plexus Imbalance

1. Brainstorm a list of your personal values (you can type “values” into any search engine for ideas) and write them down; select a minimum of 15. Our values indicate what we consider important in life. Evaluate whether or not the actions you take on a daily basis are aligned with them. If you notice some discrepancies between your values and actions think about how you can operate from a place of greater integrity. For example, many people claim they value the environment, but they use disposable water bottles, plastic grocery bags, take overly long showers and leave too many lights on in the house. What can you do to live in alignment with your values?
2. Goal setting! So many people drift through life without a definite purpose, not bothering to take the necessary steps to make their dreams a reality. However, the very first step towards making your dreams happen is writing them down. I like to use Tony Robbins’ method.
a. Take a minimum of 5 minutes to write down everything you want to learn, experience, accomplish, have or give, short term and long term in the next twenty years. Don’t be afraid to get crazy, most people don’t dream big enough!
b. Evaluate your list and next to each item write down how long you think it will take to achieve them. As Tony says, “Goals are dreams with a deadline.” And grounding them down on paper signals to your subconscious that you are serious about making them happen.
c. Choose three goals that will take you one year to achieve and write a paragraph for each describing why you you are powerfully committed to accomplishing it within a year.
d. Recite your dreams out loud to yourself or tell a family member or friends
3. Evaluate your boundaries and remember that “no” is a complete sentence.
4. Practice mirror gazing– Stand in front of the mirror and gaze at yourself in a compassionate manner. Look yourself in the eye and say “I love you” from the bottom of your heart. This can be a very emotional exercise, especially if it’s your first time. I recommend mirror gazing for a minimum of ten minutes. Consider giving yourself compliments, applauding your achievements and expressing gratitude for your efforts. This act of radical self-love can drastically improve your life and your relationship with yourself.
5. Examine and dismantle your limiting beliefs. There are a variety of ways to approach this, but one of the ways I find particularly effective is Katie Byron’s method known as The Work which you can explore here.
6. Try incorporating affirmations. Affirmations are useful for re-programming our subconscious minds. The following affirmations are ones that I have created and use regularly to develop a stronger solar plexus chakra.
Solar plexus healing affirmations:
“I can have almost anything I want if I have the courage and tenacity to go after it.”
“I show respect for myself by always honoring my personal boundaries.”
“Every day I take bold action to accomplish my goals.”
“Fear is a signal that I am moving in the right direction.”
“I have the power to choose how I feel in every moment.”
Additional Ideas for Solar Plexus Health

- Wear yellow and eat yellow foods
- Practice the following yoga poses: Warrior I, II & 3, bow and camel pose
- The use of lemon, bergamot, rosemary, juniper & grapefruit essential oils
- Chant the mantra “Om shanti” (om=original sound of the divine, shanti= peace) & “ram”
- Breath of fire