6 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
1. Meditation– Meditation cleanses your mind of that which is not yours. Doing so allows you to return to self and sit in your own unique energetic blueprint. This is an ideal state to be in because it facilitates surrender of the ego and ultimate receptivity. When you are in the moment and allow yourself to “just be” with your spirit, you raise your vibration and are open to receiving messages from the Universe. One of the advantages of meditation is that you become more aware and in tune with your thoughts. Our thoughts are like magnets, attracting more of the same energy to us, positive or negative. You are blessed with the ability to control the contents of your head and what you think about. Why not plant seeds of prosperity and watch them bloom into your dreams? Thoughts are things that we dream into reality. Meditation is a tool that gives us greater control over our thoughts. This is why it is so vital to cultivate this skill on a daily basis.
2. Gratitude– What is step one to manifesting your desires? Be grateful for what you have! Once you recognize and acknowledge all the riches and blessings that have already been bestowed upon you, a portal is opened, calling in your new hopes and dreams. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is taking your gifts for granted. And it is all too easy in our culture of instant gratification and shiny object syndrome to want to move on to the next thing. I’ve been guilty of this myself! I recommend making a daily gratitude list. I do this as part of my journaling practice. Not only does gratitude shift your energy into a higher frequency, it is correlated with increased happiness as well.
3. Spend time in nature– Going outside and connecting with nature is incredibly therapeutic. The Earth is calling us back to her and she’s eager to develop a relationship with us.When I take time to feel the sun on my face, the wind in my hair, the cheery chirp of birds and the whisper of the trees, my spirit feels refreshed, infused with positivity and peace. If possible, take your shoes off and feel the sensation of the soft grass or soil beneath your feet. This is called earthing and it has a myriad of benefits. This article in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health explains that, “The ground’s abundant free electrons… enter the body… stabilizing the electrical environment of all organs, tissues and cells.” Imagine the healing implications of this! It is a gift that most modern humans do not experience regularly, but our ancestors certainly did. If you live in an urban environment, consider weekend hikes, welcoming plant babies into your home, or fresh flowers to raise your vibration and connect with plant consciousness.
4. Eat nourishing food– Another way to raise your vibration is by nourishing your body with wholesome food. It is tempting to grab a coffee and protein bar out of convenience, or a microwave meal for lunch, but notice the difference in the way your body feels when you eat intuitively and fuel your being with organic, local fare. How can you incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet? I appreciate Deepak Chopra’s suggestion of “eating the rainbow” each day. For example: red bell pepper, orange tangerines, yellow banana, green kale, blue berries, purple eggplant, etc. Food is medicine and eating fresh produce floods your system with vibrant vitamins and minerals. Whole food just makes you feel good. It can be fun to get creative in preparing healthy, nourishing meals for you or your family. I especially enjoy the recipes found on: Cookie and Kate, Feasting at Home and Love and Lemons. Food that is “alive” (raw) raises your vibration exponentially.
5. Send loving thoughts– The next method I would recommend for raising your vibration is sending loving thoughts to others. You can do this if you hear the telltale sound of an ambulance going by, if you know a loved one is having a scheduled surgery, a friend is going through a breakup or even if you are thinking about a high school acquaintance that you hope is doing well. An even more illuminating practice is to send loving thoughts to those who frustrate you. For example, that rude person that cut you off in traffic, or the coworker that spread gossip about you at work.
Two alternative ways to do this are:
- Choose at least two qualities you admire about a person that rubs you the wrong way and focus on those positive attributes. How can you cultivate those traits traits within yourself?
- Try using Ho’oponopono. This is the Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness in which you forgive and bless those who have wronged you. It is infinitely powerful if you perform it with good intentions radiating from the heart. Recite, “I love you, thank you, I forgive you, I’m sorry.” Notice the release that you feel both physically and energetically when you let go of these wounds. Such a prayer can also be directed towards yourself.
6. Energy Healing– Want to raise your vibration quickly? Energy healing such as reiki balances your chakras, cleanses your aura and helps you move through blockages resulting in a strong sense of peace and profound alignment. Afterwards you will notice many positive shifts happen in your life. I am currently available for 1:1 distance reiki sessions. You can book with me here if you are ready to move to the next level and receive new downloads from the Universe.
I hope you enjoyed these 6 easy and practical ways to raise your vibration. However, you certainly aren’t limited to these suggestions. You can also explore feng shui, music, crystals, exercise and more! How do you raise your vibration?