7 Signs You Might Be an Empath
Growing up I believed I was insufficiently equipped for this world. I was profoundly sensitive and never felt like I belonged. I knew that I was here to do something unique and important, but I had no idea what that would resemble. My skills don’t seem to align with what most of society values. When I learned what it meant to be an empath suddenly all the pieces fell into place. Finally there was a term to describe my life’s journey so far. It was like coming home and waking up to my own becoming. If you are here reading these words, chances are that you’re an empath too. Still unsure? Want to learn more? Here are 7 signs you might be an empath.
1. You can sense energy + the emotional states of others– When you walk into a room it is easy for you to pick up on the overall vibe or energy. It may feel fun and uplifting, tense and unsettling, peaceful and relaxing or downright melancholic. New empaths who have not yet learned to control their gifts have a tendency to absorb other people’s energy like a sponge, taking it on as their own. Maybe you are in good spirits and decide to meet a friend at a coffee shop only to leave feeling anxious, angry or down. When you get home you realize that nothing external triggered these feelings and come to the conclusion that “this isn’t mine.” This is an especially common occurrence when empaths are around loved ones because there is often a subconscious desire to take away their pain. Energy vampires, or people who prey on others’ caring nature and sensitivity will take advantage of an empath’s under-developed solar plexus chakra and drain their energy, leaving them exhausted. I will discuss how to protect yourself and your energy in a future post.
2. You are highly sensitive– Due to their innate empathy, empaths feel very deeply for the suffering of other beings. Their heart chakras are wide open! For this reason you are more sensitive than most and may be strongly affected by things like violent films, personal criticism, the news, arguments, visiting the animal shelter and other everyday occurrences of an emotional nature. Additionally, an empath’s threshold for sensory overload is extremely low. You may be sensitive to stimuli such as loud noises, crowds, strong smells, and bright or flashing lights which can cause extreme discomfort and fatigue. Empaths have overly receptive nervous systems and are prone to overloaded adrenals and burnout. Self-care is truly a necessity for you. You are a very sensitive being that feels more deeply than most. A stunning sunset, the anticlimax of the holidays, petting a baby kitten, Clocks by Coldplay and the smell of the forest are all examples of experiences that can bring an empath to tears. Others may label this behavior as being “too much” or tell you to “grow thicker skin,” but it is one of your greatest gifts.
3. You need alone time– As an empath, being around people can be draining and downright exhausting. You need time to sit in your own energy, return to equilibrium and feel like yourself again. Alone time is incredibly rejuvenating for empaths; do not underestimate the importance of recharging your batteries. I would argue that it is downright essential for the well being of your mind, body and soul. You will emerge from this self-imposed hibernation with a vibrant spirit, ready and able to share your abilities with the world.
4. You’ve never felt like you belonged– As an empath it is normal to feel like a stranger in a strange land, like you don’t truly belong here. You may have felt like an outsider growing up because it seemed like no one understood you. Even your friends and parents may not “get it”. Empaths often perceive themselves as lone wolves, finding the greatest solace in their own company. It is often difficult for them to form meaningful relationships with more than a handful of people because others aren’t interested in connecting on a soul level the way they are. Empaths are often dissatisfied by surface-level small talk- they crave depth and meaningful connection. When it comes to relationships, they very much prefer quality over quantity. Judith Orloff hypothesizes that empaths make up 20% of the population. As more empaths begin to awaken and realize who they are there will be an increased sense of acceptance and belonging as the community grows. However, it is okay to feel loneliness as an empath. When we are surrounded by others we are unable to grow because we pick up on their thoughts and beliefs of what we should do. Many times the Universe will isolate us so that we have no choice but to sit with ourselves and discover what we are here to do.
5. You are an old soul– Have you ever been told that you are an old soul? This is a trait shared by many empaths. People may come to you for advice or remark that you are wise beyond your years. You are an excellent listener and carry so much love in your heart. When you were young you may have had trouble relating to your peers, finding more in common with adults or older kids due to your marked maturity. As an old soul you may even possess an intuitive knowing that you have lived several [past] lives before incarnating into this one. You may have knowledge, gifts and phobias that can only be explained by carry over from previous lifetimes. Old souls are often introspective, inquisitive and highly value spirituality. They have a powerful desire to understand themselves and others. Old souls recognize that we are all interconnected and are willing to do the inner work so that the world is one step closer to becoming whole.
6. You have a strong sense of purpose– As an empath you have chosen to incarnate on Earth during this lifetime for a reason. You may feel very strongly that you have a purpose to fulfill, even if you have yet to discover what it is. You have special gifts and are meant to shine your light as a beacon for others. In the past you may have found yourself wondering, “Why am I here?” or felt that your existence was false or hollow. And yet your whole life your spirit has known that you are here for a profound reason. Your soul has a mission to carry out, an imprint to leave on the world. Empaths as a community have many important tasks to accomplish, some of which include: helping others awaken, guiding them through their spiritual development as wayshowers, healing the collective and leading them to 5D. I believe than nothing is an accident. You chose your parents, your family, your partner and your purpose before you were even born. You have unique lessons to learn and a message to share in a way that only you can express. As an empath you have a calling and in the depths your heart you know that ignoring it would be unthinkable.
7. You are deeply intuitive– You may know things without understanding how, sense what others are feeling, have psychic dreams. You may be drawn to tools like crystals, tarot, astrology, reiki, runes and meditation that put you more deeply in touch with yourself. Synchronicities and signs from the Universe appear to you on a regular basis. You may resonate with being clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and more. You have psychic ability within, even if it remains latent or is only just developing. There is a little voice inside that whispers and you follow its nudges.
Being an empath is such a beautiful gift. You have so many amazing strengths- embrace them! Your sensitivity and open heart allow you to connect to all beings on a deeper level. You are a powerful healer by nature. Just by “being” you act as a healing presence for others, allowing them to integrate their emotions more easily. Your intuitive abilities belie your inherent bond to Source energy. You help people reconnect with their true essence, their souls. You are blessed with your own special purpose that allows you to share your light with the world and in doing so, change it for the better.
Here is a poem I wrote for you <3
Dear Sensitive Soul,
You may have been made to feel like you are
“too much”
because your heart is wide open
you lead with your soul
and energy is your native tongue
You cry the tears that others can’t shed
and they don’t seem to understand
Grow thicker skin, they say-
why must you feel so deeply?
But your spirit knows
you are not of this world
and you ache for the land
where you truly belong
Your heart may be guarded now
safe behind lock and key
and your face wears a mask
but I can see those wounded eyes
You say it’s easier to blend in this way,
when you can no longer feel
Yes darling, but at what price?
Dear One,
The day will come when you realize
that sensitivity is your strength
and intuition is your birthright
You heal just by being
You are the lion and the lamb
You are powerful beyond measure
You are here to awaken the world