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My #1 Mistake as an Intuitive Entrepreneur

By September 9, 2019November 23rd, 2020Blog, Personal Development
My #1 Mistake as an Intuitive Entrepreneur

My #1 Mistake as an Intuitive Entrepreneur

I never set out to be an entrepreneur or be my own boss. The idea never appealed to me, frankly. I was more comfortable with allowing others to take the risks and call the shots. Until I realized that the healing center I was intent on joining only charged $60 for reiki sessions and I wouldn’t be going home with the full amount. I would be on call Monday through Friday and on weekends. And as someone who is sensitive to energy I expected higher vibes, but instead their studio space made me feel anxious and on-edge.

I began to realize that I craved the freedom that came with setting my own rates, creating a beautiful healing space, choosing my own hours and deciding what services to offer. How was I going to do this? By becoming an entrepreneur of course. Secretly I was terrified. I sat with this idea for a month, contemplating my other options, wondering if it was truly a good fit for me. Despite how scared I was and the many doubts that swirled around my mind I decided to take the plunge. Because I came to the conclusion that not doing so would cost me much more on a spiritual level.

Taking the Plunge
A journal, glasses, rose quartz, clear quartz

Let me tell you, being an intuitive entrepreneur is not all sunshine and rainbows. I think our culture glamorizes the image of the “boss babe” because it is stylish and feminist to do so. My experience has been a little different. It started off with staring my deepest, darkest shadow self right in the face and dealing with her head on. Unsurprisingly, this involved a lot of crying, intense dreams, journaling and shamanic journeying before I witnessed a breakthrough.

As an intuitive entrepreneur you will find out new things about yourself every day. You will become acutely aware of your strengths and weaknesses. You will discover that you are stronger than you ever could have imagined. The learning curve is steep. It is not uncommon to work more than 40 hours a week. You will wear many hats and some of them will come more naturally than others. I am the content creator, graphic designer, client relations specialist, photographer, marketing agent, social media guru, reiki healer and more. You may need to hire a mentor, web designer, accountant as well as others. After all, no one said starting your own business would be cheap. You will be pushed outside of your comfort zone constantly, so get cozy. This path isn’t easy, but I delight in the fact that I have never been challenged like this before. This is where tremendous growth happens. 

I Wish I Knew…
Tarot cards, crystals and feathers

However, there is 1 thing I wish I knew before I started out- and it was my biggest mistake. As an intuitive you are probably most at home with your feminine energy. The energy of softness, flow, creativity, nurturing and serving. But as as entrepreneur you need to harness your masculine energy. I embraced this wholeheartedly until suddenly my life was out of balance in a big way. One day I woke up and I realized my home was a mess, my husband felt neglected and I couldn’t remember the last time I had showered. In short, I was sacrificing my family, duties and self care on the altar of my business. Because I was intent on succeeding… no matter what. My business was finally growing, but at what cost?

I sought the guidance of an energy healer and she advised me that I needed to release to receive. She suggested that I tell the Universe that I was ready to receive clients and be open to calling them in, but I needed to release the hustling, pushing and forcing. Essentially I had to return to my feminine energy, return to balance. An enormous pressure was lifted off my shoulders. I still put in effort towards my business, but I also listened to the flow of my feminine energy.

If I didn’t feel up to posting on my blog two times in one week then I honored that instead of forcing myself to do it as a “non-negotiable.” I surrendered the goal of booking x clients or making x amount of $ each month because putting financial pressure on our intuitive gifts sends mixed signals out to the Universe. Instead, the Universe knows I am open to offering reiki and I will call in/receive clients who are a vibrational match. If you are in need of money to pay the bills then get a job to take the pressure off of your spiritual gifts and remember that your day job is not synonymous with your identity. Being a barista at a local coffee shop doesn’t define you as a person. Nor does it mean that you have given up on your dream to be a successful tarot reader or life coach.

By seeking greater balance between my masculine and feminine energies and opening myself up to receive I feel so much more relaxed, fulfilled and at peace. I have a much better relationship with myself. Gone are the days of burnout, depletion and self-doubt. I am content to just be rather than engaging in compulsive doing.

Do you identify as an intuitive entrepreneur? What area of your life could benefit from greater balance? How can you re-prioritize things to grant yourself more space to breathe?