I have some super exciting news to share with you… my husband and I bought a house! After 8 years of tiny apartment living, we are absolutely ecstatic to be moving into our dream home. I will finally have a sacred healing space to call my own. And I’ll be able to blare music and do cardio workouts without fear of inciting my neighbor’s ire by sounding like a galloping elephant. Woohoo!
There is a lot of adulting on the horizon: buying a washer and dryer, learning how to paint walls, a DIY fireplace project, growing an herb garden and other adventures in homeownership. Consumer reports is our new best friend, let me tell you. If you have any advice to impart, please share it with me in the comments! We can’t wait to start making memories 🙂
4 Fun facts:
✧ A Youtube influencer was the previous owner of our home
✧ The numerology of the house is 6 which is incredibly ideal, indicating harmonious family life, creative abundance, compassion, balance and nurturing others. Does it get any better than that?
✧ We can finally welcome a new puppy into our lives now that we have adequate space for a little one. I can’t wait to be a dog mom!
✧ We’ve been searching for a house since December before finding the one

You might be thinking… Okay, Avalon, how nice for you- can we get to the manifestation part now? Yes babe, let’s do it. If you want to attract your dream home into your life I highly recommend that you use a manifestation list. In fact, this is my #1 tip for magnetizing anything you desire. And it is so easy. Here’s how:
Get out a piece of paper and a pen and write ____ [your name]’s manifestation list at the top. It’s important to write out your list the old-fashioned way to ensure it is ingrained in your subconscious. That way the part of your brain known as your reticular activating system can go to work to make it happen for you.
Next, write down the thing you most want to manifest. For example, a house. Then, include the features that you want that thing to have. If we are using the house example, you might write down your price point, the cities you want to live in, the energy you want the space to have, details such as a good school district, quiet neighbors, etc. Make sure that these details are coming from your heart and not your ego. Are quartz countertops really a non-negotiable for you? Be honest.
Now before you begin, I want to share a secret with you that not many people are aware of. Did you know that you can use your human design chart to superpower your manifestation process? Let’s find out if you are a specific or non-specific manifestor. Simply pull up your chart using jovianarchive.com. Using your computer-generated chart, look at the image below to find out which of the two types you are.

If the bottom right arrow points to the right you’re a non–specific manifestor. And if it points to the left you’re a specific manifestor.
What does all of this mean for you? You can use your type to customize your manifestation strategy so that you can attract what you want in your life faster and more effortlessly. Specific manifestors should get very particular with their list, filling in all of the little details of what speaks to their soul and describing the dream that’s in their heart elaborately and thoroughly.
Non-specific manifestors on the other hand, don’t need to get detailed about what it is they’re calling in. Vague is actually more advantageous for them. For example, they might want to list the county or state they’d like to live in rather than a particular city and a general price range rather than an exact sticker price. Let go and allow the Universe to fill in the rest!
Here’s a sneak peek of some items from my list (I’m a specific manifestor)…

That’s all there is to it, you’re done! Just by writing down what it is that you want, you are grounding your dreams into the physical plane. You have set the process in motion and generated the energetic connection to your desires. You can do this for anything you want to call into your life- a relationship, job, community, pet, toaster, etc. Now sit back and watch as your visions start becoming reality. And remember to act on any intuitive guidance that comes in, no matter how small.
Avalon!!!!! I love it <3 <3 so happy about your dream home girl. and human design– super on point with what im getting at lately! loveee Syl