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What To Do When You’re Not Seeing The Results You Want

By October 28, 2020November 23rd, 2020Blog, Business, Personal Development
what to do if you're not seeing the results you want

Are you looking at the results that you’re getting or the reasons you didn’t get them? If you point at everything around you for the reasons why you’re not getting what you want, then you’re not in control of your life and you won’t be able to create the direction for where it is your want to go.

What you want to do is look at your results and recognize that you’re at cause. If your mom never owned a business, that’s okay, you can read about it and invest in a course and take massive action. To fully be at cause, you must look at results instead of reasons why you can’t and take the action that you know you need to take.

Instead of looking for reasons why it hasn’t happened, decide that you’re going to make it happen and recognize that you’re at cause for everything that’s happening in your life. Results come from behavior and behavior is caused by the reality that you’re living in. Whatever is happening within you is what you will see in the outside world. Results tell a story of how you’re programmed. If you ever want to know what a person is thinking, look at their results. The results that a person gets in their life is an exact reflection of the thoughts that are happening in their mind.

When you change how you see the world from the inside, the outside world changes accordingly. All abundance begins in your mind, all success and positive relationships begin in your mind. Ideas are the foundation of wealth and abundance. Every great thing starts as an idea, somebody had to envision something out of nothing. When your mindset is in the right place and you believe in opportunities and you allow yourself to roam creatively, that’s when you can get yourself into the mental process to manifest something out of ‘nothing.’ If you take these principles and apply them to your life, you’re going to see great results no matter what.

1. Take real action– There are 4 levels or lenses through which we filter through our behaviors and thoughts: spiritual, mental, physical and emotional. Spiritual looks like meditation, prayer, reiki, cleansing the aura. Mental consists of planning out your goals, doing the research, organizing a webinar. Emotional resembles journaling, feeling as though you already have it, going to therapy, daily gratitude lists. Even if you’re doing all of this work and holding the vision of what you want in your mind’s eye, you still need to take action on the physical plane in order to see the outcome you want. Is fear holding you back? Reframe that anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach as excitement instead and bravely step out of your comfort zone. Deep down you know what to do.

2. Pay attention to your results– Take a look at the results you’ve gotten already. Maybe you’re driving a lot of business through Pinterest, but you aren’t making much headway with Instagram. That’s okay- there’s no such thing as failure, only feedback. Even if you aren’t getting the results that you want, you still need to absorb and evaluate the feedback that you’re receiving. Feedback enables us to improve the flexibility of our behavior so we get better and better. ‘Failure’ is one of the best things that can happen to you. What lesson can you learn from this? See it is as an opportunity to grow. All feedback will get you closer to the outcome that you desire.

3. Results don’t reflect your worth– Don’t take your results personally, love! So many people read into bad results and internalize them. They think that it means that they’re unworthy, not good enough, or that they flat out can’t do it. But nothing could be further from the truth! One thing successful people do that unsuccessful people don’t, is that they associate with their positive results and dissociate from any negative results. See this as an opportunity to look at your results objectively and pivot accordingly. As you stumble along the way, you will practice, you will get better and you will get where you want to be.

4. Be willing to change your behavior– If you’re not willing to change your behavior, be willing to accept lackluster results. If something isn’t working, try something different. Experiment with a new strategy, ask for help, look at the situation in a different light. Ask yourself, what can I do that scares me? Fear is a sign that you’re headed in the right direction. Change on the identity level always has the biggest ripple effect. If someone wants to amplify their business revenues, but they say to themselves, ‘I’m not any good at marketing’, or ‘I’m not a salesperson,’ they’re limiting themselves from achieving their goal of selling! Instead of continuing to watch their sales fall off, they could choose to reassess how they look at salespeople and see that when you market a product or service that you believe in, it’s good for all people, because you’re making them aware of a product or service that can transform their life in a positive way. This small mindset shift will allow you to see yourself in a new identity and soon the results will follow.

5. Always focus on excellence– If we’re focusing on competing with others, there will always be a situation where we’ll feel inadequate. If you’re constantly focused on being the most successful, you’ll always find someone more accomplished than you. It’s kind of like when you buy a new car, a Ferrari for example, and you can’t help but notice how many more Ferraris you see on the road now that you’re paying attention. But it’s not that there are suddenly more Ferraris on the road, it’s that you have expanded your awareness of them. If you’re always focused on what everyone else is doing rather than what you’re doing, you will inevitably feel defeated. Instead, focus on excellence rather than perfection. Focus on rising to the occasion and transcending your personal best. You are only ever in competition with yourself. Practice more than anyone else. Consistent practice leads to mastery.

The most successful people are the ones who don’t take ‘no’ for an answer in their life and business. In order for you to have the things that you want to have- the successful business, the clients, the loaded bank account, you must be the person who has those things. Act from the version of yourself that is already #1 in your field. What are the things that you do everyday? Start acting as if you were the #1 healer, coach, creative, trainer, teacher, etc. right now and the results will show up. Your external world mirrors your internal reality.

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