Spring has arrived and it is reflected all around us. It is time to emerge from hibernation, from stillness. There is a feeling of contagious optimism, of hope. It is found in the cheerful chirping of chickadees, the bright, blooming wildflowers and the tentative rays of the warm, sleepy sun. Nature is waking up and so are we.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, a firestarter gifted with passion, drive and authenticity. The New Moon is one of the most auspicious times to start any endeavor and as the pioneer archetype, a new moon in Aries is especially favorable for new beginnings.
How fitting that the first new moon of Spring debuts in this adventurous sign on April 5th, 2019. As the Sun is also in the sign of Aries at the moment, we receive a double dose of this spirited go-getter energy.
This is a magical window to get your burgeoning business off the ground, try a fresh look, or start a new habit. My claircognizance is coming through right now to share with you that any intentions you set on this day are very likely to come to fruition. My natal moon is in Aries, so I feel a special connection to this particular lunar cycle.
A New Moon Ritual

Here is a ritual that may serve you for this upcoming New Moon in Aries.
As always, take what speaks to you and leave the rest.
1. The New Moon is about starting anew. You can begin with a clean slate by clearing your space energetically. There are several methods of doing this, such as: smudging, using a reiki symbol, asking assistance from your angels or guides, diffusing frankincense essential oil, etc.
2. Light a candle- this is a fire moon after all.
3. Surround yourself with a few crystal allies and perhaps even create a crystal grid. A few ideas for Aries crystals include: carnelian, clear quartz, aventurine, bloodstone and hematite.
4. Write down at least three wishes and dreams that you hold close to your heart. Put them in a special box or pouch with a charged quartz crystal or place them on your altar as a reminder.
Now, visualize yourself receiving them.
What does your life look like now that your dreams have come true?
What are you wearing?
What are you feeling?
What does your daily routine look like?
Who are you interacting with?
Let your imagination fill in the details and make this experience as vivid as possible. By answering these questions, you are able to shift into the vibration of what you desire. In holding this frequency you are manifesting it into reality.
5. Write down a list of steps you can take to achieve your goals. This may or may not be appropriate depending on the goal itself. For example, if it is something along the lines of “meet my soulmate,” an action plan might not make sense. However, for a more tangible intention, such as starting your own business, possible steps could include: choosing a name, building a website, obtaining social media handles, selecting branding colors, etc. Do as much or little as you feel called to do. An action plan helps to channel Aries’ impulsiveness into clarified, focused energy.
6. Create a vision board with pictures that illustrate the energy you wish to cultivate within yourself this month.
7. Ground your dreams in reality with a symbolic act. For example, if one of your goals during this New Moon is to adopt a dog at your local animal shelter, you could buy a toy for him or clean an area in your house where you will put his bed. This action is a signal to the Universe that you are serious about your intention. The Universe will respond in kind.
8. Blow out the candle and express gratitude for your abundance.