Hello, my name is Avalon Harris and I’m a writer and spiritual seeker on an unfolding path to wholeness. As Carl Jung said, “The privilege of a lifetime is becoming who you truly are.”
My blog, Visions From Avalon, was created in January 2019. It’s a soul-led endeavor that explores that intriguing intersection where the mystical meets the mundane. I speak to sensitive souls who delight in discovering the magic in the every day. I’m passionate about a range of numinous topics including: depth psychology, dreamwork, alternative medicine and astrology.
I am a deep soul diver. I prefer to plunge below the surface to see what lies beneath. That way I can better understand my own spirit’s lessons and help you on your unique journey towards healing + inner knowing.
A little about me…
- I live in beautiful, sunny California with my husband and our adorable golden retriever
- I’m currently in a 5-year training program to become an astrologer
- My typology is INFJ
- Reading is one my favorite hobbies and I perpetually have my nose in a book. You can befriend me on Goodreads here.
Come say hi!