“Wild roses are tough. You can mow them down to the roots, or set them on fire and they’ll still come back. They never stop living.”
Dark Roads is a thrilling and addictive romp through the breathtaking wilderness of British Columbia. The story revolves around the small town of Cold Creek, infamous for its haunted highway where roadside crosses, fresh flowers and flickering candles commemorate the countless women who have gone missing over the years.
This book has a unique three part format that features dual narrators, for better or for worse. I was sucked in from the very beginning, pointedly ignoring other responsibilities so that I could reach the electrifying conclusion.
Dark Roads touches on many different themes, most saliently: grief, resilience, friendship and the regenerative power of nature. The author has a personal relationship to the story she tells within these pages, and I felt that really shone through.
*This is a semi-spoilery rant, so avert your gaze if you must*
The only aspect of the book that hampered my enjoyment was the character of Beth whose behavior really grated on me. While I understood where she was coming from, she was such a hot mess it was difficult to stomach at times. Watching her spiral out was like rubbernecking while driving by a terrible car accident.
I also found it difficult to believe her relationship with a certain someone- I don’t know many people who would put up with her hot and cold codependent behavior. Can you say stage 5 clinger?
There are other small continuity flaws that stuck in my craw (ahem, when a character willingly drives a dirt bike after seriously injuring their ribs for instance) -and believe me when I say I can suspend disbelief like nobody else- but this review is getting long enough so I digress.
*End of rant*
Despite these minor issues, Dark Roads had me absolutely hooked and I was rooting for the characters (yes, even Beth) the whole time. Wolf especially has a warm and fuzzy place in my heart and really added something to the story. Stevens’ lush descriptions of the wooded mountainside landscape were also a joy to read.
If you appreciate scenic and creepy thrillers, you should give this one a try. I was stunned by the big reveal and the tautly suspenseful ending was a real nail biter! I can’t wait to read the author’s debut novel, Still Missing, which received equally high praise.
Click here to grab a copy of Dark Roads at a local bookshop near you.
Rating: 4/5 Stars