One of the most powerful methods to deepen your connection with your intuition and Source is meditation. Most people know that they should meditate, but it’s often easier said than done. Meditation is a kind of ego death. It’s not uncommon to brush up against resistance when you first introduce this habit into your daily routine.
Despite the potential challenges of this initial inner struggle, the riches that can be accessed through meditation are too precious to pass up. Meditation will allow you to expand your consciousness and cultivate a powerful sense of inner peace.
While the human race has evolved substantially over the course of our existence, the lizard brain, a.k.a. the amygdala, hasn’t changed much at all. The amygdala is your brain’s fear center, and it lights up like a Christmas tree when you’re exposed to that special brand of doom and gloom peddled by Twitter and the news.
And yet, when you’re presented with feel-good stories, like a man saving a beached sea turtle, it’s radio silence in your amygdala. To quote from Dune, fear is the mindkiller, hijacking your thinking brain and triggering a cascade effect of fight or flight response in your body. It’s about as helpful as our body’s tendency to crave cupcakes and ice cream over kale chips and eggplant.
With this in mind, it’s easy to see that it behooves you to be very conscious about what people, thoughts, images and programming you allow into our energy field. What you focus on is what you attract into your life. Energy flows where attention goes. But while boundaries are helpful, they are not foolproof. Remember that triggers can be helpful indicators that point to the healing we still have left to do. And meditation can teach you to be more mindful so that you can hone the ability to consciously respond rather than instinctually react.
What your lizard brain doesn’t want you to know, is that fear is a choice. When you are sitting in you power and vibrating at the frequency of love and sovereignty, nothing can ruffle your feathers.
Researchers at Harvard University have found that meditating regularly for 15 minutes or more can shrink the size of the amygdala in only 8 weeks! Other studies have shown that meditation can actually slow and possibly reverse the brain’s aging process. News at 11: Daily meditation can defeat your lizard brain.
But if that’s not convincing enough for you, meditation has a whole charcuterie board worth of other benefits that you’ll love including: decreased anxiety, improved memory, higher IQ, increased longevity, better sleep, amplified immunity, enhanced creativity and more!
“Meditation is the practice of making the conscious mind more receptive to the release of impressions from the workings of the subconscious. It is a closing of one set of doors and the opening of others in the mind.” -Ralph M. Lewis
Whether you’re a meditation master or a bright-eyed newbie, it can be helpful (and fun!) to experiment with guided meditations from time to time. Guided meditations can help you to maintain a meditative state for longer or try a new and engaging technique that you’ve never tried before. After all, the various schools and styles of meditation are seemingly endless, from zen to transcendental to Dzogchen to loving kindness.
Here are some of my favorite guided meditations that I hope you’ll appreciate too.

1. Morning Meditation by Louise Hay
There’s something about Louise Hay’s work that fills me with this magical, buoyant feeling that anything is possible. Her morning meditation is a beautiful way to start your day. You’ll be attuned to the transcendental frequency of gratitude so that you can magnetize all of the abundance, opportunities and miracles that life has to offer.
2. 6 Phase Meditation by Vishen Lakhiani
This guided meditation is going to knock your socks off. Vishen will take you through a transformational journey that will help you expand your consciousness, release emotional stagnation and make your dreams a reality. The extraordinary use of creative visualization is unparalleled. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself returning to the 6 Phase Meditation again and again.
3. Classic Mindfulness by James Lowe
If you’re unfamiliar with mindful meditation, this gem by celebrated teacher James Lowe is an excellent introduction. James’ relaxed and authentic style is refreshing and intimate. It feels like he’s sitting right beside you. I like the incorporation of physical anchors- the breath, the body, to help you ground into the present moment and allow it to unfold naturally. You can find this ‘Classic Mindfulness’ meditation halfway down his home page along with several other tracks you can enjoy.
4. Sitting in the Power by Lillian Suarez
Sitting in the Power is a traditional tool and practice for psychics, mediums and healers who seek to hone their skills. As an intuitive, this meditation will allow you to raise your vibration and connect with your sovereignty. It will also help you to strengthen your root and solar plexus chakras which are typically under-developed in empaths. By Sitting in the Power, you will expand your understanding of your unique energy so that you can access the divine spark of all that you are.
5. Detachment from Overthinking by Michael Sealey
Yes, technically this is a hypnosis, but in my opinion it is indistinguishable from a guided meditation. Michael Sealey’s soothing voice and calming energy will drain the tension and stress from your body so that you can access a serene state of being. I especially recommend listening to this meditation before bed if you have a racing or overactive mind. Notice how all of your worries begin to melt away.
6. A Welcoming Heartspace by Tara Brach
Tara Brach has a remarkable way of making me feel safe, loved, held and accepted. She has dedicated her life to spiritual service and has created an extensive library of free meditations to support you on your path. I especially enjoy this meditation, A Welcoming Heartspace which is infused with Tara’s signature gentle presence. It feels like a warm hug for your spirit and will widen your capacity for compassion and oneness.
7. Unblocking the Flow of Abundance by Pura Rasa
If you’re looking to create more space for abundance to shine through, give this tranquil meditation by Pura Rasa a try. Her voice sounds like liquid velvet and you’ll be astounded by how quickly time flies. Unblocking the Flow of Abundance will help you to go deep within and let go of the limiting beliefs that are holding you back so that you can plant new, empowering ones instead. You’ll experience renewed clarity and feel lighter, uplifted and attuned to the flow of prosperity.
8. General Well Being by Abraham Hicks Publications
This channeled meditation by Abraham Hicks will help you align with your home frequency so that you can enjoy glowing health and wellness. If you’ve been feeling out of balance or a little lost lately, this restorative meditation will guide you towards your Path and allow you to commune with your higher self. Abraham Hicks’ kind and comforting words will lovingly remind you of your worth.
Meditation is a cherished part of my morning routine and these free guided meditations are wonderful tools for relaxing and returning to center. Let me know in the comments below which one you enjoyed the most!