3D & Astral Projection
You are a multi-dimensional being who chose to incarnate here in 3D. And as such, you are anchored to the 3rd dimension. However, what you might not know is that you also have the ability to travel between the different dimensions. As you move up in dimension, you experience more unity and oneness, which enables your soul to remember its divinity and ascended state.
As you move down the dimensional scale, you are taking on greater density. You are able to experience your individuality and have the opportunity to transmute your karma. Our soul’s evolution progresses and is catalyzed when we connect with both these higher and lower realities.
Each dimension contains a spectrum of densities which vibrate at different rates, imbuing them each with a unique flavor or quality. Consequently, the upper half vs. the lower half of a dimension may have distinct characteristics and textures. However, the overall frequency remains the same; there are just stratified levels within that frequency. You have aspects of yourself in every dimension- parallel lives that you are inextricably interwoven with.
Your astral or light body describes your consciousness when you are traversing the various dimensions of the astral plane. It’s called astral projection because you are projecting your consciousness into the astral realm whilst enveloped in your astral body. When you function psychically or do any kind of intuitive work, your consciousness moves into your astral body.
We are looking through our astral body’s eyes, whether we realize it or not. Everything in 3D looks the same from this perspective. But once you leave 3D, the environment around you shifts depending on your frequency and oftentimes mirrors your inner world back to you. It is our subtle bodies that determine our reality.
The 4D Split: The Upper and Lower Astral
4D, the astral realm, is our working dimension and it’s divided in half. It contains the upper and lower astral. The lower astral is still technically spirit to us here in 3D, but it contains very weak light. It is a chaotic and incoherent level where our negative ego is projected and embodied. The beings in the lower astral are lost, confused and largely vampiric in nature. They harvest life force energy in the form of fear, trauma and the negative ego of the collective. 4D corresponds to the lower chakras where our unintegrated trauma and fear reside.
The purpose of this inverted lower astral plane is to teach us discernment. What better way to understand what you are than to recognize what you are not? You need to understand and believe that you are light itself, that you are love. Knowing that is what lends you power. It’s what makes you radiate and shine.
The upper astral in contrast is higher in vibration and contains a harmonious balance of unity and individuality. As you move up dimensionally, the energy and the information you can receive is more coherent and original. You can gain clarity about your purpose, how to heal and integrate, as well as how to express yourself. Many of our positive past and future lives are anchored into that density for us to discover as well. The Akashic Records are located here- between the top of 4D and 5D, crystallized and held in time.
The quality of light and information in the upper astral is superior. It’s a beautiful, pure light that connects you with your genius and allows you to receive resplendent downloads and healing experiences. A vast portion of our consciousness is rooted in 3D as this is where we are anchored. All the lessons and experiences you have whilst traversing the higher realms are going to be integrated through your 3D perspective.

5D Heart-Based Consciousness
In 5D, the heart and the mind are unified and duality does not exist. The beings in 5D possess consciousness that is merged with the mind of God. When you are able to project your consciousness into the higher dimensions, it is much easier to receive insights and revelations, spiritual support and love. The light is more potent and magnified than it is in 3D.
In 3D, you must generate your own light, hold your energy coherently and reunite with the higher dimensions via love. 5D is associated with the heart chakra and it is the heart that connects us to that realm. In 5D, your thoughts and emotions share the same rhythm and are in harmony with each other. We anchor into 5D through our heart because it resonates at a frequency of higher love-based consciousness. When you enter 5D, you move into the 5th dimensional ascended aspect of your self.
Your aura becomes purified, your energy resonates more powerfully, your body heals and regenerates, and you have access your zone of genius. Miracles will begin to happen in your life when you activate your heart. It is necessary to create a psychic overlay in our bodies that resonates with 5D, with the heart, in order to anchor into that dimension. We do this by consciously and continuously choosing to activate the heart so that it becomes the predominant frequency in our bioenergetic field.
5D, love-based consciousness is the key to all skillful intuitive work. It gives us the discernment to recognize when something is incongruent and experience balance. Correct positioning is paramount for connecting with spirit and it’s something we need to work on everyday by becoming mindful of our thoughts, emotions, habits and patterns.
These are what help determine the quality and vibration of our bioenergetic field, creating psychic overlays that bind us to the astral realm in specific ways and ultimately determine which dimension we are accessing. When you raise your consciousness into a higher, more exalted state, you are actually merging your consciousness with higher beings who preside over and guard that spiritual stream.