If you cruise the CIA’s reading room for long enough, you may come across a kind of metaphysical catnip known as The Gateway Process. Written in the summer of 1983, the government essentially acknowledges the existence of kundalini awakening, astral travel and a holographic universe- among other things. The document itself is 29 pages long and somewhat of a dense read, but it’s chock full of intriguing insights that may just challenge your preconceived notions of consciousness.
Seeing as this document is available to the public, you may want to take its contents with a grain of salt. I recommend running the information through your own personal discernment system to feel into what resonates and what doesn’t. Below, I have curated a list of the most eye-opening claims for your reading pleasure. But you can find the link to the original document here. I encourage you to take a peek because the graphics and diagrams really help put the pieces together. All quotes below reference this document.
Some need-to-know background information: the Gateway Process describes a government-funded project to achieve altered states of consciousness via brain hemisphere synchronization a.k.a hemi-sync. Essentially, they concluded that meditating to binaural beats at specific frequencies can synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain which greatly expedites the ‘awakening’ (consciousness expansion) process “so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space.”
But get ready to buckle up, because that doesn’t begin to cover the full spectrum of mind-boggling conclusions you’ll find within.
10 Metaphysical Secrets from The Gateway Process
1. Hypnosis is real. And consequently, because television, social media and other black mirrors are capable of inducing a trance state, we should be very selective and aware of what we expose ourselves to.
“The right hemisphere, which functions as the noncritical, holistic, nonverbal and pattern-oriented component of the brain appears to accept what the left hemisphere passes to it without question. Consequently, if the left hemisphere can be distracted either through boredom or through reduction to a soporific, semi-sleep state, external stimuli to include hypnotic suggestions are allowed to pass unchallenged to the right hemisphere where they are accepted and acted upon directly.”
2. Transcendental meditation has the power to induce kundalini awakening, after about 5 years of sustained practice, but “exposure to mechanical acoustical vibrations in the range of 4-7 Herz (cycles per second) for protracted periods may achieve the same effect… trigger[ing] a spontaneous physio-kundalini sequence in susceptible people who have a particularly sensitive nervous system. Hemi-sync is rather rare and of only short duration in ordinary human consciousness. A subject with 20 years of training in zen meditation could consistently establish hemi-sync at will, sustaining it for over 15 minutes.”
3. Focusing one’s consciousness (through meditation) opens up intuitive abilities and perception.
“The human mind in its natural state is like a lamp, expending energy in a chaotic, incoherent way which diffuses its energy over a wide area of rather limited depth. The human mind under the discipline of hemi-sync is like a laser beam, projecting energy with total coherence of both frequency and amplitude, like the sun.
Gateway assumes that once the frequency and amplitude of the human brain are coherent, it’s possible to begin accelerating both so that the human mind is soon resonating at ever higher vibrational levels, bringing itself into synchronization with more sophisticated and rarefied energy levels of the Universe- opening one’s intuitive ability and perception (both visual and aural).”
4. Expanding/altering your consciousness using meditation (and perhaps binaural beats) opens your psychic centers, granting you access to intuitive information.
“The Monroe tapes (binaural beats) alter consciousness so that one can access new categories of information via intuitive means not available to ordinary states of consciousness.”
5. Regulating your nervous system is the portal to out-of-body experiences.
“The Gateway Process is designed to rapidly induce a state of profound calm in the nervous system and to allow the entire body to begin vibrating coherently at about 7-7.5 cycles per second. The resulting resonance matches the electrostatic field of the Earth.
Thus, another consequence of hemi-sync is enhancement of bodily energy levels to a point which permits the person to experience out-of-body movement when they are ready to do so.
Out-of-body experiences may be (tentatively) regarded as an extremely effective way of accelerating the process of enhancing consciousness and interfacing with dimensions beyond time space.”

6. When your energy body is aligned with Earth’s vibrational field, you can communicate psychically with those who are on the same wavelength.
“Coherence with Earth’s biomagnetic field assists in mind communication activity with other minds similarly attuned.” This reinforces the Universal Law of Vibration- the concept that you are a vibrational match for everything and everyone that resonates with your frequency. Like attracts like and we magnetize what we are in energetic harmony with.
7. Matter does not exist- everything is energy.
“Science knows that both the electrons which spin in the energy field located around the nuclear of an atom and the nucleus itself is made up of nothing more than oscillating energy grids. Solid matter, in the strict construction of the term, simply does not exist. The entire human being- brain, consciousness, and all, is like the Universe which surrounds them, nothing more or less than an extraordinary complex system of energy fields.”
8. The Universe and the human mind are holograms.
“The Universe is composed of interacting energy fields, some at rest and some in motion. It’s one gigantic hologram of unbelievable complexity. The human mind is also a hologram which attunes itself to the universal hologram by the medium of energy exchange, thereby deducing meaning and achieving the state we call consciousness. Hemi-sync succeeds in bringing about a refinement in the energy matrix of the mind, it succeeds in expanding or altering human consciousness so that it can perceive ever more of the universal hologram.”
9. With coherent consciousness, we can access other dimensions.
“Between the Absolute (energy in a state of inactive infinity) and the ‘material’ universe in which we experience our physical existence, are intervening dimensions to which human consciousness in altered states of being may gain access. To access these intervening dimensions, human consciousness must focus with such intense coherence that the frequency of the energy pattern which comprises the consciousness sets the stage for non-time-space dimensions. The Gateway Experience is designed, if used systematically and patiently, to allow human consciousness to establish a coherent pattern of perception in those dimensions.”
10. Time is not linear and we have the capacity to obtain information about the past, present and future.
“Human consciousness, brought to a sufficiently altered (focused) state can obtain information concerning the past, present and future since they all exist at the same time.”
Now consider for a moment… if this was all cutting-edge information in 1983, what must they know now- 40 years later? Let me know what you think in the comments below.