How to Create a Crystal Grid
Crystals are nature’s catalysts. Many are thousands of years old and act as a direct connection to the Earth. They radiate and store energy and can create radical change in your life. Crystals possess the ability to reshape the vibration of the energy around and within you. A crystal grid is a portal through which the energy of the crystals is amplified and focused. The crystals chosen to participate in a grid vibrate on a level that matches your intention. They can be called upon to transmit or beam these energies towards a person or place or even out into the vastness of the Universe.
4 Basic Principles of a Crystal Grid
- Sacred Geometry– the belief that geometric shapes hold divine significance. Almost all crystal grids form the shape of sacred geometry patterns. It is also worth noting that the crystalline composition of many minerals is geometric.
- Numerology– the spiritual science of numbers and their metaphysical meaning. Numerology is the root of sacred geometry. For example, four crystals form a square which carries the significance of the number.
- Manifestation– All humans have immense spiritual power. We have the potential to create our own reality by attracting things into our lives which is known as manifestation. Manifestation is based on the idea that everything is energy including us. By using the right techniques and amount of energy we can create massive change in our life. Another way of perceiving this is that our inner world is a mirror of our outer world. Since crystals are a physical manifestation of life force energy, they are a powerful tool for initiating change.
- Intention– This is truly the key to crystal grids and all magic and energy work in general. Energy goes where attention flows. Be clear about what you desire, but surrender the details of how it will happen. You can use visualization to supercharge the outcome you are yearning for. Focus on the many blessings your wish will bestow upon you and countless others. Heighten this vision by feeling positive emotions flow through your body and auric field. Emotions like fulfillment, tranquility and joy. If your intention is for your dog to get better, picture them in perfect health. If your intention is to attract wealth, picture yourself in your dream home, driving a luxury car and wearing designer clothing.
Remember that you can do manifestation and visualization exercises to your heart’s content, but in order to attract what you desire you must take inspired action. That means doing the work and following the steps that your intuition guides you towards so that you are in alignment with your intention. You have to put in the work and do all you can to make your dream a reality. The crystal grid isn’t going to do that for you. It acts as a portal, but you have to make the effort to walk through.
3 Components of a Crystal Grid
Before I break down the process of creating a crystal grid, you need to familiarize yourself with the three basic components:
- Central stone– This is the main power source and center of the grid. It stores the blueprint of your intention and symbolizes the grid’s purpose. Make sure that the central stone is the largest crystal in the arrangement.
- Support stone– This describes any crystal that isn’t the central stone. The support stones can be any shape, they can be tumbled or raw and stand up or lay flat. There can also be different layers of support stones, for example, outer and inner.
- Activation wand– While not all crystal grids need to be activated by a wand, you may use a big and long crystal point to program and activate your grid. I will share with you two ways to activate a grid- with and without the use of an activation wand. Choose whichever method resonates.
How to Prepare your Crystal Grid
- Set your intention– What is it that you want to call into your life? What reality do you wish to create? Perhaps you want to attract new love, abundance, health or success. Maybe you want to clear your home or invoke psychic protection or release ancestral patterns. Choose an intention and write it down on a piece of paper.
- Gather your materials– First you will want to choose your grid. You can use free crystal grid templates on the Internet and print them out or purchase grids made of wood, metal or cloth. The Flower of Life is a very common grid pattern to use because it aligns with most intentions. But there are many others including: metatron’s cube, square, seed of life, octagram, etc. The possibilities are almost endless! Remember that it is not strictly necessary to use a physical grid; you can always allow your intuition to be your guide and arrange your crystals in channeled patterns. Next, you will want to select the crystals for your grid. Choose crystals with energy that aligns with your intention. If you still feel a little lost there are several amazing books with crystal grid suggestions such as: Crystal Grids Power by Ethan Lazzerini, Crystal Muse by Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro as well as Crystal Gridwork by Kiera Fogg. These are all excellent and informative resources.
- Cleanse your crystals and your space– They are several techniques you can use to cleanse your crystals. The most popular is smoke cleansing in which you burn herbs such as sage, mugwort, cinnamon sticks, palo santo or others. Opt for ethically sourced herbs whenever possible; I recommend Mountain Rose Herbs. Another technique is to leave your crystals overnight under the light of the full moon. Sound cleansing is another option. Singing bowls, tuning forks, ting shas and other sacred instruments have the ability to release stagnant or negative energy. Reiki is my personal favorite technique for cleansing, but if you are not attuned to reiki you can always do a white light visualization instead. Simply ask the Universe to cleanse your crystals and your space and imagine pure, healing white light beaming down from the heavens and cleansing everything it touches.
- Charge your crystals– You can use the corresponding reiki technique to charge your crystals, activation wand (if applicable) and your grid or say this prayer: “Please bless and protect these crystals and may they serve the highest good of all involved” (Lazzerini pg 56).
- Activate your crystal grid– Arrange your crystals on the grid and place your written intention under the central stone. Activating the grid connects all the crystals and unifies them under your intention. The next step is to choose your preferred method for activating your crystal grid.
*Please note: The following instructions are directly attributed to Ethan Lazzerini’s book, Crystal Grids Power.
Activation Wand Method:
- “After steps 1-5 are complete you are going to activate the grid using your activation wand. I invite you to take three deep breaths and be present in the moment. Hold your intention close to your heart.
- Start with the central stone and work outwards. Hold the activation wand in one or both hands and point the tip towards the top of the central stone. Envision a light beam radiating from the activation wand and entering the central stone.
- Focus on the outcome you desire. Visualize what it will look like once your dream becomes a reality. Feel the emotions of this wish fulfillment coursing through your body. Speak your intention aloud, “I charge this crystal grid with my intention to…”
- Keep your intention firmly in your consciousness and trace a line with the activation wand from the central stone to one of the support stones from the inner part of the grid and then back to the central stone (refer to the diagram). It may help you to begin with the support stone at the very top of the grid, at the 12:00 position. If you are only using one layer of support stones then go to those. Repeat for each of the crystals in that layer, going around in a clockwise direction. If called, you can visualize a light beam uniting the crystals like spokes on a wheel.
- Point the activation wand at this group or layer of support stones and joint them up together. Trace a circle or square depending on the design of the crystal grid. Go around in a clockwise direction until you return to the first crystal. Start from the support stone at the top or 12:00 position. Connecting support stones in a circular way will work for all shapes, but if you prefer you can also trace the geometric pattern such as the star design. If crystal points or arrowheads are used that point counterclockwise, you would go that way instead.
- Repeat step 5 and 6 for the outer layer of support stones in the grid if applicable. Connect each crystal to the central stone. Then connect each support stone in the group with each other as before” (pgs 56-59).

All-in-One Method: This is a simpler and more efficient method if you lack an activation wand or the former method seems too complex. Both methods are equally effective. “The crystals are joined by your intention rather than the use of an activation wand. You transfer your intention to the crystals directly without the use of a wand.
- “Hold all your crystals in your hands if possible. If not, work in batches.
- Sit for a few moments with your eyes closed. Take three deep breaths and get quiet. Hold your intention on the forefront of you consciousness.
- Raise your crystals up in front of your third eye chakra; the point just above your eyes.
- Focus on the outcome you desire. Visualize what it will look like once your dream becomes a reality. Feel the emotions of this wish fulfillment coursing through your body. Speak your intention aloud, “I charge this crystal grid with my intention to…”
- Finally, arrange your crystals into position to form your crystal grid. Start with the central stone if applicable and then work outwards” (pgs 60-61).
Lazzerini, Ethan. Crystal Grids Power: Harness the Power of Crystals and Sacred Geometry for Manifesting Abundance, Healing and Protection. Ethan Lazzerini, 2017.