With several planets currently in Capricorn and eclipse season in full swing it’s safe to say that Saturnian energy is high. How can we use this energy to our advantage? By channeling it in a way that makes our inner Capricorn feel good- building strong foundations in our life. Over the past month or so you may have experienced the desire to create solid structures by engaging in practical activities like getting finances in order, deep cleaning the home, having serious talks with the important people in your life, scheduling appointments, getting your car serviced, anything that falls under the umbrella of adulting.
One of the ways we can embrace Saturn’s lessons of discipline and security in a constructive way is through goal setting. Goals my dear, are the new resolutions. What’s the difference? A resolution is a decision to do something whereas a goal is a carefully crafted plan to achieve a desired outcome. Goals are dreams with a deadline. They are also a method I use to heal an underactive solar plexus chakra. Here is how you can make them stick so you can live the life you’ve always wanted.
7 Ways to Form Successful Goals that Stick
1. Choose a goal that you can measure– Maybe your goal is to make more money. Sorry honey, but that isn’t specific enough. This is the part where the Magic 8 Ball reads, “try again later.” Let’s select something we can really sink our teeth into like $9k. We can narrow this down further be specifying when, or how often we can expect to earn that such as each month. A goal of earning $9k a month is much more measurable and descriptive than a generic statement that you want to earn more money. By using specifics it becomes possible to track and evaluate your progress.
2. State your goal as a positive and in the present-tense– The subconscious mind does not register negative statements. “I don’t eat sugar on weekdays” will actually be interpreted as the exact opposite of what you want, “I eat sugar on weekdays.” If you want your subconscious to work for you rather than against you, make sure to frame your goals using positive statements in the present-tense.
3. Specify the outcome + evidence procedure– How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal? Will your bank account contain $100k, will your scale read x pounds, will your Goodreads reading challenge show 80 books completed? The subconscious loves it when we’re specific so let’s go a step further and try a visualization exercise. What does it look like the moment you achieve your goal? What are you wearing? How are you feeling? What time of day is it? What sounds are you hearing? Who is with you? The more details you can fill in the better! Aim to do this visualization every day.
4. Ask yourself, what will I gain from achieving this goal? If your goal is to make $9k a month maybe this is because you want to have more financial freedom, support your family, donate to charities, afford that Prada handbag, travel to Scotland, buy a house. When you’re clear on the purpose behind the goal you will be even more motivated and have a better understanding of yourself and what’s important to you (values).
5. Explore your resources– What resources do you need to succeed? Which resources do you already possess? For example, if my goal was to exercise 4 times a week for 45 minutes I might need to purchase a gym membership and cross training shoes. But I already have resources such as workout clothes and a heart rate monitor. Is there someone in your life or someone that you know of that has achieved this goal? What resources might they have had? It is also important to identify and recognize internal resources that will assist you such as commitment to show up and a desire to be healthy.
6. Model the success of someone who has achieved this goal– What did they go to get there? If your goal is to make $9k a month you can read business books by CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, listen to a podcast that interviewed a millionaire as a featured guest, or maybe a TED talk that they gave. This allows us to sit in their energy. What behaviors or attitudes did they have that led to their success? How can you implement these in your life or daily routine?
7. Create an action plan– Form a list of 5-10 manageable steps that will enable you to achieve your desired outcome. Consider different courses of action and be willing to change your behavior or embrace the spirit of flexibility if what you’re doing isn’t working. What’s most important is determining the first step and then acting on it! Planning is well and good, but action is what yields tangible results. P.S. Fear is often a sign that you’re moving in the right direction.
There you have it, 7 ways to form successful goals that stick. I truly believe that you have what it takes to make your dreams a reality and show up as the expert you are. Remember that there is no such thing as failure- only learning opportunities. Let’s make 2020 your best year yet!