The throat is the fifth chakra in the etheric body and belongs to the element of air. This energy center is associated with communication and creative expression.
When the throat chakra is healthy you are a confident speaker and adept listener who communicates clearly and effectively. You speak your authentic truth and rise to meet the truth of others. It is easy for you to strike a tempered balance between speaking and listening. You are not controlled by fear or traditional ways of doing things. Consistent creative expression flows naturally for you and you fully engage in each moment anew.

A Balancing Act
When the throat chakra is underactive you are timid and afraid to speak up which is evident by a thin, strained and/or weak voice. This can also be accompanied by self-consciousness and tone deafness. There is often a separation between mind and body. Introverted and shy, those with deficient throat energy have difficulty articulating their emotions and speaking about matters of the heart. They struggle to feel seen and heard.
Conversely, people with overactive throat chakras talk excessively, but there is little substance or content to what they are saying. In order to maintain control they have a tendency to dominate the conversation. These chatty individuals have trouble listening and frequently interrupt others because they desperately desire to be the center of attention. Additionally, they lack auditory comprehension, are inclined to indulge in gossip regularly and find it challenging to listen to others. At the root of this behavior is a misplaced attempt to release an overabundance of energy in the throat.
An imbalance in the throat chakra can also manifest physically, presenting symptoms such as: tmj, teeth maladies, jaw tightness and pain, sore throat, tonsillitis, hypo/hyper thyroid, etc.

The Mind Body Connection
The throat chakra represents the symbolic world of the mind in which words are our symbols. The throat is the gateway between the mind and body. It sifts through messages received from the body and connects them with the information stored in the brain. When the mind and body are joined we experience true resonance. This is the portal through which the unconscious becomes conscious.
When the throat is blocked the ascending movement of energy is impeded and we are unable to access the wisdom of our higher selves. Alternatively, if we have too much mind energy at the expense of the lower chakras, it is not possible for us to convey our knowledge and translate wisdom into action or emotion. As a result, our ability to manifest is thwarted. A balanced, secure connection between body and mind provides us with the capacity to release outdated patterns and make sense of our physical experience.
A deficient throat chakra is heard as as a whiny, soft or inarticulate voice; excessive energy on the other hand, results in a loud, high-pitched voice with a tendency to interrupt. The voice is an expression of your vibration and when it is healthy it sounds resonant, concise, clear, rhythmic and genuine. If the other chakras are imbalanced it can show up in the voice.
Freedom of expression supports us in our journey of showing up as our authentic selves. When we express who we are as individuals we are speaking our truth. Those who are not yet individuated will say what everyone else wants to hear. They are afraid to speak their truth because they worry about what other people might think. But in doing so they sacrifice their authenticity.

Speak Your Truth
There are times in our lives when we have learned that it is safer to hide our truth as a way to protect ourselves. When our opinions and perspectives are in opposition to the beliefs of mainstream culture we may be excluded or shamed. We decide that it is more prudent to withhold our truth and say nothing at all. This comes at a cost. When we are out of tune with the resonance of our truth we are essentially living a lie.
What stands in the way of our authentic self expression and creativity? Emotions such as guilt, fear and shame which separate us from who we truly are. Plugging into the lower vibrational energy of these emotions keeps us from freely accessing the gateway between our internal and external worlds. We desperately strive to protect the core self from judgment and mockery. In doing so we hide, shrink and play small. When the energetic flow of the throat is constricted, we doom ourselves to a reality of seclusion and lack of intimacy, ultimately blocking our pathway to personal development.
The monologue of our inner critic is often the voice of the critical parent in disguise. It tells us that what we have to say is ignorant and stupid and that no one wants to hear it. That we could make a big mistake and everyone will know we’re a fraud. If the home environment is uncomfortable or oppressive we shut down our visual and auric perception, but closing our ears is decidedly more difficult. It is far easier to run a ceaseless inner dialogue instead to block everything else out. Such a coping mechanism hinders our ability to listen. We presuppose that we already know what the other person is going to say and we are already thinking about our response before they are done speaking. By that same token, if we are not listened to we begin to believe that what we have to say doesn’t matter, and by extension, that we don’t matter.

The Seat of Creativity
Many people associate the sacral chakra with creativity, but the creativity that emanates from this energy center is largely unconscious. Alternatively, the throat chakra is the epicenter of conscious creativity. You are a born creator with the ability to speak new worlds into existence. With this power comes the responsibility of practicing discernment with the words you use and what you say. The throat chakra develops from ages 7-12 when we build command of language, learn abstract concepts such as time and create mental representational tools as portals of expansive creative expression.
Self-expression is the pinnacle of throat chakra activity and it arises from a yearning to contribute to the world around us. If the lower chakras are underdeveloped the focus will be on receiving and bringing in information rather than directing the creative flow outwards. Conversely, when the lower chakras are healthy, this forward momentum unfolds naturally. External events impact us vibrationally and when we don’t share our experiences and process them thoroughly, our vibrational flow is hindered. We become stressed out and separated from the universal oneness of life.
Be aware of the external vibrations that you allow in- what you eat, listen to, watch, who you have sex with, etc. Release that which is not an aligned, energetic match with the resonance of your consciousness.

5 Ways to Heal the Throat Chakra
1. Bodywork & Exercise– Emotions and trauma are stored in the body. Our feelings and voice are intertwined. When we suppress our emotions we similarly limit our self expression. Bodywork and physical activity acts as emotional catharsis. They allow us to let go of anger, grief, anxiety, shame and psychological wounding. To reclaim the body is to harmonize with our unique vibration.
2. Toning– Toning allows the natural sounds that arise from your throat to come through. It is the practice of emitting the fundamental vibrations within by singing a tone out loud. Energy healer Richard Gordon says, “We may look at disease as such out-of-tune behavior of one or another of our organs of the body. When a strong harmonizing rhythm is applied to it, the interference pattern of waves, which is the organ, may start beating in tune again.” Toning enables us to get in touch with our inner energy and releases negative emotions, improves focus and ameliorates stress. While toning, experiment with different notes and vowel sounds and observe the different effects they have on you- calming, irritating, balancing, etc.
Here are three helpful videos each with their own unique approach that will guide you in learning how to vocal tone: 1| 2| 3
3. Journaling & writing– Journaling and writing allows us to freely express our feelings and creative energy so that our bubbling throat chakra energy has an outlet. It enables you to clarify your thoughts and emotions, improves problem solving, better acquaints you with your true self, reduces stress and helps you understand another’s point of view. My favorite part about journaling is that it is a valuable opportunity for identifying negative thoughts and behaviors so that I can replace them with positive self talk and reframes.
4. Sound healing– Sound healing is a modality that opens the throat chakra and raises your vibration by applying balancing frequencies to your auric field. Sound therapy has many benefits whether you are an active participant or a recipient. It lowers cortisol which is correlated with stress, strengthens the immune system, improves mood and alleviates symptoms of chronic pain. There are many ways to experience sound healing such as vocal toning, which we discussed earlier, sound baths, chanting, tuning forks, binaural beats, gongs, singing bowls and more. For example, over the course of my shamanic studies I learned to use a drum and rattle to induce trance state. The physical act of drumming provides an outlet for emotional expression and can help remove energy blockages. Sound healing is a very powerful tool that promotes wholeness, unifying the body and mind.
Here are three ways to enjoy sound healing at home: sound bath | tuning forks | shamanic drumming
5. Active listening– While the art of talking is vibrant and well, many of us could benefit from honing our listening skills. A great method to try that many humanistic therapists use is active listening. This is the practice of intently listening to what someone has to say without interrupting or preemptively formulating your response. The objective is to paraphrase what the speaker communicated to you and repeat it back to them so that they know you understand. This is a wonderful tool for building rapport and it allows the other person to feel heard.
Here is an article that will help you cultivate the underrated skill of active listening.

Throat Chakra Affirmations
It is safe for me to speak my truth with love and grace
My words have the power to change lives, including my own
I am aligned with the wisdom of my higher self
I express myself confidently, clearly and with ease
Creative abundance is my birthright
Healing Crystals
Blue lace agate
Lapis Lazuli

Throat Chakra Essential Oils
Blue tansy
Tea Tree