How to Recognize Signs from the Universe
Are you paying attention the signs the Universe is sending you? They are often all around you, but you may not even realize it! It can simply be a matter of keeping all your senses open and being present in the moment to receive them. After awhile you will begin noticing these subtle signals of synchronicity more and more. Here are the 6 most common signs that the Universe is trying to communicate with you.
1.Numbers– This is the first type of sign I began picking up on after my awakening. Numbers are universal throughout cultures and therefore it is logical that Spirit uses these to communicate with us. Specific number sequences have certain meanings. They are often referred to as angel numbers. Repeating numbers such as 333, 444, 555, etc. are considered strong evidence of synchronicity and they each have a special message to impart. You can certainly look them up to explore what others believe they mean, a wonderful starting point, but consider exploring them on your own and contemplating what they mean to you personally. 1111 for example, is one of the most well-known repeating numbers. For me it is a divine indicator that everything is lining up. I perceive it as a message that I am on the right track. Then there’s 222 which I take to mean that I am receiving support from my guides, angels, any ascended masters, and/or Source. Like dreams, the messages that numbers hold may be unique to the individual. For example, one person may interpret 12:12 as a sign to go out of their comfort zone, while another may view it as a sign that opportunities are coming their way. A number sequence that appears to me almost every day is 9:11. At first this alarmed me because to dial 911 in the U.S. is to call the emergency services. However, I have learned to associate this number with growth, expansion and upleveling.
2. Feathers– It took me a little longer to see feathers on my spiritual journey, but they are one of my favorite signs from the Universe! To receive a feather is to work with bird medicine. According to Ted Andrews in his book Animal Speak, “This initiation [working with bird medicine] reflects a period in which you begin to open to higher knowledge and wisdom, with an increased opportunity to use it to raise yourself up.” He explains that different colors also provide unique symbolism with both positive and shadow qualities. For example, a black feather may represent protection, magic, but also secrets and sacrifice. A white feather may represent purity and truth, but also a scattered mind and burnout. The variety of bird the feather came from can also hold meaning. Feathers allow us to develop or hone the gift of empathy. They are potent signs and information such as their color + the bird species of origin enables us to tease out a more fruitful interpretation. Use your intuition to feel into what magic the feather holds for you. If you decide to pick up a feather and take it with you be sure to ask permission from the bird’s spirit first and if it consents, to also say a prayer of thanks and gratitude.
3. Ringing in the ears– This type of sign occurs most often for those who possess the ability of clairaudience. Like any psychic ability, everyone has the capacity to develop this skill. Sometimes such a phenomenon is experienced as a ringing, tone, or vibrational buzzing in one or both ears. Overall, I interpret this as a sign to pay attention, or as validation that something I or someone else said is important or rings with truth especially if it is heard in both ears.. Ringing in the right ear is said to mean that your guides and angels are with you now. While ringing in the left ear may indicate a warning, especially if it is of a low frequency/vibration. However, it is also said that the left side of the body is associated with the Divine Feminine while the right side of the body is associated with the Divine Masculine. Like everything else, consider what meaning “clicks” or feels right to you. A final friendly reminder that if you experience ringing in your ears on a regular basis you may want to seek a medical professional to rule out tinnitus.
4. Animals– I am very animal-oriented so I am not sure how much this will apply to others, but animal signs appear quite frequently for me. It is not always insects, but lately it has been. One week I saw ladybugs everywhere which I take to mean good luck and prosperity. This whole month it has been spiders everywhere which is a little terrifying for an arachnophobe like yours truly. But spiders are very strong symbols of feminine power and creativity. I associate them with sacral chakra healing. You don’t necessarily need to see these animal signs in real life. They may reveal themselves to you during a meditation, on tv, while scrolling your instagram feed, on someone’s t-shirt etc. Each animal has its own special medicine to bring. The best place to start is to ask yourself, “What does this animal represent to me? What qualities does it embody that I could carry over into my life?” Then it may be worth researching additional information if you feel called. I highly recommend Animal Speak by Ted Andrews for this as mentioned earlier.
5. Individual Signs– You may find that after you become more accustomed to picking up on divine signals that you consistently receive one that is unique to you. For example, I have a friend that sees hearts everywhere and know that it is meant for her; that she is headed in the right direction. If you don’t have a unique sign and you would like one don’t be afraid to ask! Close your eyes, breathe deeply for a few moments and clear your mind. Say out loud or internally, something to the effect of, “Universe/Spirit, please send me a consistent sign that is unique to me when I am on the path that is meant for me, headed in the right direction. I am ready to receive. Thank you.” Then keep your heart and your eyes open.
What signs appear frequently in your life? What meaning do they hold for you?