Are you familiar with the sensation that is sweeping the Internet known as the Morning Pages? It is a concept introduced by Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way. She feels it is her mission to unblock the creativity that lies dormant within all of us. Essentially, the Morning Pages consist of three full pages of stream of consciousness writing that is done shortly after waking. Why so early, you might ask? When we first wake up, our critical, conscious mind is in a soporific haze. Therefore, it is less likely to fill our heads with disparaging comments about our creative ability.
The Morning Pages can consist of anything you like, but it is intended to be a mind dump of sorts in which you pour out your worries, complaints, things you have to get accomplished, etc. onto paper. It doesn’t have to be “good” writing. (Although, what does good mean anyway?) It is not even necessary for you to identify as a writer. This practice will aid you in all types of artistic expression- acting, painting, jewelry making, you name it.
The rules are as follows:
- You have to write three full pages every day, preferably in the morning.
- You can’t judge what you have written.
- Don’t allow anyone to read your content, not even yourself.
- It is recommended that you look back on your writing only after two full months have elapsed.
Morning Pages are a type of active meditation. I find myself writing down the types of thoughts and concerns that race around my head before I go to sleep. Pre-Morning Pages I was the type of person who had a near-constant flurry of mental activity akin to butterflies trapped in a jar with nowhere to go. If you relate to this then I highly suggest you commit to this exercise too. It is a satisfying way of grounding your thoughts in reality. The physical act of writing is especially therapeutic for those who are more comfortable in their higher chakras.
“Morning pages map our own interior. Without them, our dreams may remain terra incognita… Using them, the light of insight is coupled with the power for expansive change. It is very difficult to complain about a situation morning after morning, month after month, without being moved to constructive action. The pages lead us out of despair and into undreamed-of solutions.” -Julia Cameron
The Morning Pages are magical because they free up your mental space so there is room for creativity to bloom. Instead of being caught up in the troublesome minutiae of daily life, you give yourself license to be the artist you are. I can’t wait to hear how the Morning Pages awakens the creator in you!
If this post resonated with you, I also recommend that you read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. It is a call to action for creatives everywhere; I found it incredibly inspirational.