How to Use the Moon to Succeed at Work
Each month the moon spends 2-3 days in each zodiac sign. You can follow her progress on moontracks.com. Each sign has its own unique energy as well as its own particular strengths and weaknesses to bring to the table. I like to look to the sign that the moon is in and tailor my schedule accordingly whenever possible. For example, I have the greatest capacity for getting work done when the moon is in Capricorn than any other sign. Why not channel this energy to use in your favor? Here’s how you can harness astrology to reach your full potential at work.
Aries– Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac for a reason. The ram is a trailblazer and as such this is an excellent moon sign for sharing your original ideas with the world. It’s also a good time to start something new or take the plunge and commit to do something you’re afraid of. If you’ve been procrastinating on a project you can use Aries fire to gain some momentum. This sign’s pioneer spirit will grant you the extra boost of energy, confidence and fight to accomplish it. Aries’ passion and fiery enthusiasm are contagious, ideal for getting others to see things your way. The ram truly shines in a leadership role and thrives on a little healthy competition. Use these strengths to your advantage! Alternatively, when the moon is in Aries remember that patience is a virtue and it’s best to check your temper at the door.
Taurus– Taurus prescribes to the mentality that slow and steady wins the race. This moon is an opportune window for work that may seem tedious under different circumstances- bookkeeping, organizing, fact-checking, etc. Patient and determined Taurus is happy to do it. Firmly grounded on the Earth plane, this sign is blessed with a head for business. They are adept with finances and have a keen eye for a good deal. Consider working on your business model, investments, sales funnel or bank account. As Taurus is ruled by Venus, this is also a beneficial sign for content creation especially if it involves art, romance, food, beauty or pleasure. Remember that Taurus likes a schedule and can get a lot accomplished, but they loathe being rushed. Stay open-minded and be aware of a tendency towards stubbornness.
Gemini– Gemini has a way with words. This air sign is inviting, quirky and always seems to know the right thing to say. They are the ones who artfully fill the awkward silences because there’s never a dull moment when a Gemini is around. Consequently, this is one of my favorite moons for writing and researching as air energy bestows an inquisitive mind and easy charisma. Networking, presentations, and podcast or video recordings are additional tasks that blossom under this moon. Basically anything that involves interacting with the public is likely to be successful. Since people feel more social than usual under the influence of this sign it is perfect for group work or collaboration. Gemini’s only downfall is a tendency towards scattered energy and distraction so be intentional with your time and make an effort to prioritize important tasks. There is also a propensity for anxiety so be mindful of caffeine consumption and consider getting a meditation session in.
Cancer– Cancer is the ultimate nurturer and homebody who delights in nesting. If you have the ability to work from home on these days, definitely take advantage- you will be happy as a clam- crab. When the moon is in Cancer try to make your work environment as cozy as possible. Think hygge to the max. Wear your comfiest clothes, put on your favorite tunes, light some scented candles and brew a mug of your favorite warm beverage. When Cancer is comfortable and in their element they are able to do their best work. Since this is a water sign there is a tendency to do things based on how they feel rather than what their Google calendar says. You will get further by embracing feminine flow instead of doggedly following a lengthy to do list. Cancer is intuitive and emotional, often picking up on the needs of others without having to be told. This is exemplary for service-oriented work such as customer service, coaching, teaching, counseling, etc as you are able to connect very deeply with people. Cancer is also protective energy and will fight tooth and nail on behalf of others. When appropriate, allow your work to take on an emotional tone and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and share. I promise it will be well received.
Leo– Leo is a natural performer and enjoys being in the spotlight. There is a fun and charismatic air to this fire sign that others can’t help but be drawn to. Under this moon anything you create will have a little extra sparkle. It’s a good time to launch a sales campaign, go on an interview, give a presentation, take a selfie or promote your work in some way because you will receive more attention and accolades than usual. Social media posts will also benefit from Leo’s signature confidence and charm so take advantage. Like its fellow fire sign Aries, Leo is a natural born leader and trendsetter. Make the most of it by tapping into the power of his sunny presence. Because Leo rules the heart consider working on passion projects or pursuing creative endeavors that bring you joy. Remember not to make everything about you or indulge in too much leonine laziness.
Virgo– Virgo is the most detail-oriented sign and as such is well-equipped for work involving polishing, editing and refining. It has the ability to ground down your lofty vision into the material realm and bring it into sharper focus. Virgo is logical, methodical and organized, a prime candidate for left-brain pursuits. Writing, problem solving and paperwork are particular strengths so consider performing this type of work when the moon is in Virgo. This sign also enjoys practical pursuits like housework, errands and all the little details that ensure your life is in order. Marie Kondo is a Virgo idol and they prescribe to the mantra that less physical clutter is synonymous with less mental clutter. Virgo also loves serving others and is a natural healer so work of this nature is inherently highlighted at this time. Remember to steer clear of this sign’s perfectionist tendencies and avoid getting bogged down in the details.
Libra– Libra beautifies everything she touches. This air sign is socially adept, popular and refined. Like Gemini, this moon is favorable for collaborative group work as Libra is a tactful communicator. Conflict resolution, mediation, and bringing people together in any capacity is a Libran specialty as her energy is harmonious and relationship oriented. This sign has a strong sense of justice and a knack for ensuring that fairness prevails. Any work involving design elements or aesthetic content creation is especially fortuitous during a Libra moon. The Venusian influence lends an instinct for making things more attractive to others. Are you seeking greater balance in your life? Maybe your work-life balance is not where it should be? Libra will help you achieve it. Remember not to get crippled by the Scales’ trademark indecision.
Scorpio– Scorpio energy is intense, powerful, probing and a little obsessive. This water sign possesses a dedicated focus and will work determinedly for hours on a single task. They don’t give up until they meet their goal. If you have something that you are very intent on accomplishing, do it under a Scorpio moon. This energy is incredibly auspicious for work of a psychological nature, exploring the dark side or shadow and plunging to the depths of any topic, especially in a research or analysis capacity. If you are seeking transformation of any kind, Scorpio has your back. This sign is ruled by Pluto, King of the Underworld who presides over death and rebirth. Scorpio is the master of sex, money and power- basically everything that drives the human ego. Pluto’s influence literally turns our words into wands so when the moon is in Scorpio, be aware of your increased power for manifestation and the ability to convince people of nearly anything. Remember to come up for air once in awhile and don’t allow your own shadow aspect to lead you astray.
Sagittarius– Philosopher, wanderer, spiritualist, free spirit. All of these are natural roles for Sagittarius. But ultimately, this sign represents the archetype of the teacher or student. Use this moon to pursue learning wholeheartedly and expand your horizons. Or, assume the position of mentor and guide for someone else. Sagittarius loves to try new things and is buoyed by eternal optimism and positivity. Welcome the influence of this larger than life Jupiterian energy and be willing to see things from an entirely different perspective. This might mean approaching your work in a whole new way, setting up your “office” at that coffee shop you’ve always wanted to try, or reading that book on branding that caught your eye. Be open to Sagittarius’ spontaneity. As the luckiest sign he always seems to end up at the right place at the right time. Remember to go over the details with a fine tooth comb before committing to something as Sagittarius tends to leap first and look later.
Capricorn– Ahhh Capricorn, the hardest worker of the zodiac. This is my favorite moon for getting down to business. The sea goat can accomplish a mountain of work without batting an eye. Capricorn is concerned with building a solid foundation and as such the best type of work to do during this time involves the bones of something- a project, a sales campaign, your website, business, etc. This earth sign has the capability of anchoring your dreams and ideas into reality. Consider using this time to write down your goals and set intentions. Are you on track? If not, how can you adjust your actions accordingly to achieve greater alignment? Remember not to over identify with your work. Your productivity is not synonymous with your worth. And don’t overdo it! Capricorn can be quite the workaholic if you’re not careful. Leave a little room for fun.
Aquarius– Aquarius is the ultimate visionary, a mastermind when it comes to seeing the big picture. Highly intelligent, intuitive and eccentric in equal measure, Aquarius is a wonderful moon for work. Keep a notebook or your phone’s Notes app on standby as you are likely to receive some brilliant ideas during the next few days. This free-spirited water sign prefers to march to the beat of their own drum and may feel stifled by schedules or unnecessary rules. Aquarius has a big heart and feels a strong sense of oneness with others. Volunteer work, grassroots mobilization or work done in the community is especially fulfilling for them so consider engaging in these activities during an Aquarius moon While highly adept with technology, be mindful of Aquarius’ sensitivity to radiation and EMF’s. Remember to limit your screen time and don’t forget to wear your blue light lenses.
Pisces– Pisces prefers to follow the ebb and flow of life, doing things based on how they feel. When the moon is in this water sign it is best to abandon your agenda and allow the day to come to you. Allow Pisces’ highly intuitive nature to guide you and follow those inner nudges. Honor this sign’s allegiance to dreamtime and get plenty of rest. You have my permission to sleep in 🙂 Pisces has a flair for creative work and an impressive imagination that is well suited for graphic design, marketing, painting, creative writing, content creation. Basically anything that would benefit from an artistic touch and a hint of Neptunian fantasy. As Pisces is strongly connected to Source energy, be open to receiving psychic messages or intuitive downloads. And don’t be surprised if your dreams are vivid and premonitory in nature. Remember that moderation is key and do your best to avoid getting lost entirely in Piscean daydreams.