How strong are your boundaries?
As a Libra rising I was a textbook people pleaser who committed myself to people and obligations out of a desire to be nice.
Everyone likes a nice girl.
That’s what they teach us.
Unfortunately this trait can also lead to permeable boundaries.
It can lead to over accommodating others, even when that voice inside is telling you to decline their request.
Don’t agree because you think it’s the right thing to do.
In doing so, you are giving your power away to others which is much more harmful.
Honor yourself and honor your right to say “no.”
“No” is a complete sentence requiring no further explanation.
You get to decide what you want to allow into your life and to what degree, be that people, social events or commitments.
Make a deliberate effort to discern whether or not it is something you truly want or need.
Saying “no” is the most radical form of self care, especially for sensitive people.
Is your relationship with your mother tumultuous?
Decide how much time you are comfortable spending with her.
Do you have a friend who embroils you in all her drama but never stops to ask what is going on in your life?
Consider confronting her from a loving place, limiting contact, or cutting ties if the drama unceasingly seeps into your life.
You are invited to a party, but this week has been draining and the prospect of going out is exhausting.
Politely decline and choose to rest and rejuvenate instead.
We have the power of choice.
Don’t go along with others’ expectations merely to avoid rocking the boat or possibly disappointing them.
Your energy is sacred and you should invest it in ways that feel good for you.
Don’t live your life for other people.
Make your service to others a conscious act.
You will be respected for it and most of all you will be able to respect yourself.
Strong boundaries are a hallmark of a healthy solar plexus chakra.
The more vigorous your solar chakra, the more empowered you become.
Don’t give your power away to others- how will you be able to help them if you can’t even stick up for yourself?