New Moon Healing Ritual
A new moon occurs when the moon and sun are aligned. At this time the body and mind are in perfect harmony. The start of the lunar month begins with the new moon. It is symbolic of renewal, rebirth, new beginnings and the start of a cycle. When the moon is dark many people experience lower energy levels. As such this is an opportune window to honor your need for rest, quiet and reprieve. Oftentimes this void births clarity. The following are intentional new moon rituals for self care and insight. I like to use these to align with the energy of lady luna and get clear on what I am calling into my life this month.
Ritual Bath
Crystals: clear quartz or selenite, moonstone, apophyllite, labradorite, tourmaline *place them beside the tub rather than submerging them in the water for safety
Plant materials: blue spirulina, mugwort, pink and white roses, palo santo
Other magic: activated charcoal, black lava salt, sweet almond oil, rose + jasmine + grapefruit essential oils
Sink into the nurturing support of this restorative bath and soak in the healing. Luxuriate in the sensations of feeling warm, nourished, and held. What does your spirit wish to communicate with you in this moment? Allow your soul song to pour from your lips.

Journaling Questions for Reflection
The new moon is a fortuitous container for checking in with yourself and setting an intention or goal. At the dawn of this new cycle sit with your spirit and take deep breaths. Have some tea or water nearby as you answer the following questions:
- What season of soul growth am I currently in and how can I honor that?
- Where is my intuition leading me?
- What dream(s) lies inside my heart?
- What is standing in my way of achieving them?
- Who am I becoming?
- Where/how can I receive additional support?

New Moon Tarot Spread
Before we begin, I invite you to light a candle before finding a comfortable place to sit and meditate. In your minds eye, picture brilliant, healing white light shining down from above your head. With each inhale imagine the white light filling up your energy body. It enters through your crown and travels down your body, cascading down until it reaches the soles of your feet before anchoring down into the Earth. With each exhale release any tension, negativity, or discomfort that your body may be holding on to. Continue to breath in and out, slowly and deeply until you sense that the meditation is complete.
Shuffle the cards until you feel ready and then pull five of them, placing the cards face down:
Card 1: What energy must I embody during this cycle for my highest good?
Card 2: What am I ready to manifest?
Card 3: What do I need to surrender to?
Card 4: What aligned action should I take?
Card 5: What portals are opening up for me?
This new moon ritual should help you connect more deeply to your truth and intention for this lunar month. Once you have established your intention you can create a vision board with curated images that reflect the energy of this cycle and the dreams you wish to ground into reality. I would love it if you would share them with me 🙂