The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is the first of the seven major energetic centers in the body.
The root is associated with our instinctual human needs such as food, shelter, rest and security.
A balanced root chakra manifests as a person who exudes grounded stability, has a healthy relationship with their tribe, lives in the present moment and practices self-care.
On the other hand, signs of a root chakra imbalance include:
- Constipation, low back pain and varicose veins
- Anxiety and phobias
- Being too much “in your head/mind”
- Financial instability
- A dysfunctional relationship with family
- Poor hygiene
Does this sound like you?
I’ve had a fair share of work to do on my own root chakra. The qualities it embodies do not come as easily to me. This may be because empaths and spiritual people have a tendency to be comfortable in their upper chakras. Their priorities often transcend matters of the material plane. It may be difficult for mystics to relate to those who chase monetary success because in their eyes, that’s not what life is all about. Unfortunately, this often leads to trouble when the bills are due.
Individuals with a weak root chakra may struggle financially and a complex relationship with money is likely. It may be that money stirs up mixed feelings such as guilt or there could be a latent belief that money is “dirty.”
Remember that you are worthy of financial success and you have the power to magnetize abundance. Don’t believe me? It may be time to start examining your limiting beliefs. At the end of the day, money is merely an energy exchange.
The root chakra is not only associated with finances. In Caroline Myss’ book Anatomy of the Spirit she asserts that the root chakra is also tied to our families or our tribe. If we have any unfinished energetic business with our families it will likely show up here. For example, if your whole life your parents expected you to be a doctor, but you didn’t live up to this expectation, their disapproval could lead to emotional baggage. The energetic signature of these unresolved issues is located in the root chakra.
What messages have you received from your family or society that aren’t aligned with your truth?
Another telltale of a root chakra in need of healing is the presence of anxiety. If fear, worry, or what-if scenarios permeate your headspace regularly it is likely you need to do some root chakra work. This was the biggest hurdle for me. I became tired of living a life driven by fear. In the future I will detail my methods for overcoming anxiety, but for the time being the suggestions and exercises below are a good start. Practice being aware of the present moment and observe what it’s like to be in your body right now. This act of being grounded and rooted to the here and now is what this chakra is all about.

How to heal a root chakra imbalance
Perhaps you’ve identified a root chakra imbalance. How can you bring it back to equilibrium?
One of the ways to do this is by grounding. Go outside, take off your shoes and place the soles of your bare feet on the soil or grass. This simple act is deliciously balancing and reconnects us with the Earth.
Another way to fortify the root chakra is to go on a walk or hike to immerse yourself in nature. Listen to the wind as she whispers in your ear and caresses the leaves. Feel the sun as he warms your skin with his dazzling radiance. Watch the hawks as they soar contentedly in the sky, delighting at what comes naturally to them. Remember that nature is within you too.
While it might sound counterintuitive, meditation is another method for balancing the root chakra. The following is a guided meditation for grounding and centering that I learned from my teacher, Debbie Miller:
Visualize a beautiful, shimmering star above your head. This star represents your higher consciousness. With each inhale, pull down the wisdom of your higher self from above your head until it fills your body completely. Repeat for several breath cycles. Now visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet and down into the Earth. Breathe up the loving compassion and nourishment from the Earth, allowing it to fill your body completely. Repeat for several breath cycles. This allows your wisdom of your higher self to meet compassion and nourishment. It will bring you into center.
Other ideas for rehabilitating the root chakra include:
- Wearing red and eating red foods such as strawberries which are the color of the root chakra.
- Doing yoga which helps us connect with our bodies and boosts overall body image. Yoga poses that specifically target the root chakra are: child’s pose, mountain pose and warrior 1.
- The use of vetiver, black pepper, patchouli or ginger essential oils.