A tool I recommend for achieving clarity is a monthly tarot pull. It consists of pulling a card for each month of the year with the intent to receive its theme or message.
While you can use any deck to do this, I especially enjoy The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck. Using animal spirits to embody the energy of the month is whimsical and insightful; it simply feels right for me.
Typically, I will pull cards in 6 month increments. For example, on New Year’s Eve I will pull cards for January-June. I will do the same thing for July-December on the Summer Solstice. Do whatever is meaningful or appropriate for you.
This February was represented by the Hyena card. I had been struggling over the past couple weeks with feelings of stagnation and cynicism. When I looked back on my monthly tarot pull and saw that the animal medicine was Hyena, everything started to fall into place.
Hyena returns to balance by taking their goals seriously. Once I adopted a more Capricorn-like worldview of prioritizing hard work, my situation began to shift for the better.
While this intuitive practice promotes clarity, it is important to avoid giving your power away to tarot. For instance, when I pulled the hyena card initially, I didn’t think to myself, “Oh no! February is going to be a rough month.” That is a fatalistic perspective and it will do more harm than good.
Instead, the tarot is meant to help guide us and point us in the right direction, especially if we feel a little lost or despondent.
The question to keep in mind is, “What lessons does this animal bring at this time in my life?”
Do you currently practice a monthly tarot pull?
If so, which deck do you prefer?